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What Will Tax Cuts Do to the Economy

Exercise Revenue enhancement Cuts Increase Revenue?

It is a widely held belief in the U.S. that cutting tax rates actually increases government tax revenues, as people work harder to make more coin, and having more coin (either from working longer hours or simply because they take more income after paying lower taxes), they spend more. This increased consumption stimulates growth in the business sector of the economy, increasing business profits, allowing businesses to hire more employees, etc. and the economic system grows. Economic growth and so leads to more than tax revenues for the government, even though taxes have been reduced.

While this view has gained political currency, there is little evidence to support it. Indeed, as axiomatic in the following graph, the bear witness suggests that tax cuts exercise non increase revenues to the regime in any meaningful fashion, merely instead increase government deficits. Likewise, tax increases are oft criticized as harmful to the economy and opponents argue that they do not actually increase government revenues. Again, the available prove suggests that the reverse is true.

Regardless of the outcome of changes in tax rates on the economy, it is important to recognize that the idea that tax cuts increase regime revenues while tax increases decrease them is a myth. It is equally of import to recognize that in the long run, taxes are equal to regime spending. Every dollar the regime spends is a tax dollar -- information technology has no other source of revenue. The question is when that dollar will be paid, and who will pay information technology.

The following graph, compiled past the Congressional Budget Part (merely modified beneath to signal out major pieces of tax legislation), illustrates the relationship between government revenue enhancement revenues, budget deficits and changes in tax legislation over the past quarter-century. The graph is followed past a discussion summarizing the highlights of major tax legislation during this catamenia.

Obviously, this tabular array is slightly out of date, as it has non been updated for actual 2005 or 2006 figures. Still, the projected figures are relatively accurate, so I take not updated the graph yet.

A cursory summary of major tax legislation passed over this period:

The Economic Recovery Tax Human activity of 1981 reduced the maximum private income tax rate from 70% to 50%. It reduced the maximum revenue enhancement rate on capital gains from 28% to 20%. Information technology also increased commanded depreciation deductions, especially on real estate, assuasive taxpayers to depreciate real manor over 15 years using accelerated depreciation methods (150% declining balance vs. straight-line depreciation).

The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibleness Act of 1982 backtracked on the taxation cuts of 1981. Congress and the administration were concerned about the effect of the previous twelvemonth'southward tax cuts on the arrears (illustrated in the above chart), and increased taxes, more often than not by cutting back on benefits provided in the prior year's act. For example, the human activity added a number of preference items to the calculation of the alternative minimum tax and repealed the old "addition" minimum tax. It as well increased the floors on deductibility of medical expenses and casualty losses, increased the taxable portion of unemployment benefits (by reducing the AGI floor at which these benefits became taxable), and scaled back a number of corporate tax preferences (specially those related to depreciation).

Considering the 1982 tax increase did not convalesce the deficit, Congress passed the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, which was signed into police by President Reagan in July 1984.  This act was billed as the "largest tax increase in U.South. history" up to that time. The act increased the depreciable life over which real manor could be depreciated from 15 to 18 years, and expanded the definition of corporate "earnings & profits," thus increasing the taxability of corporate distributions to shareholders (a change affecting primarily closely held businesses). The act increased the reduction in certain corporate tax preferences to twenty% (from 15%), disallowed the corporate deduction of construction period interest and taxes, and reduced the tax benefits available to business organization property used 50 percentage or more for personal purposes.

Every bit indicated in the to a higher place chart, while the 1982 and 1984 acts appear to have halted the growth of the deficit, they did not opposite it. Moreover, the tax law remained unpopular and was widely perceived as unfair and overly complex. In 1986, Congress and the assistants passed the Tax Reform Human action of 1986. This deed significantly contradistinct the tax code, reducing the maximum individual income tax rate from 50% to 28%, and reducing the maximum corporate income taxation charge per unit from 46% to 34%. These rates were constructive equally of mid-1987, so that the actual tax rates faced by individuals for 1987 ranged from xi% to 38.five%, earlier dropping to 15% and 28% in 1988.

To pay for these charge per unit reductions, the act essentially broadened the revenue enhancement base of operations, focusing in particular on reducing the availability of tax shelters. For example the 1986 human activity implemented Department 469 of the Internal Revenue Code, significantly reducing the deductibility of "passive activity losses." The human action besides eliminated the preferential treatment of capital gains, though it established a maximum rate on long-term capital gains of 28%, suggesting the possibility that Congress would not leave the maximum tax charge per unit on individuals at 28% for very long. This maximum rate was applicable only to capital gains reported past individuals. Corporate taxpayers paid the same rates on majuscule gains as they did on other types of income. Finally, the act also increased the holding period for assets to authorize for long-term capital gain handling from half dozen months to 1 yr.

An interesting, and fiddling understood, feature of the two-rate construction implemented in 1986 was the "phase-out" of the lower subclass for "loftier-income" taxpayers. The system was designed to act equally a "flat" revenue enhancement for the big majority of taxpayers. Those with incomes beneath sure levels paid a flat rate of xv% (because their incomes were not high enough to put them into the 28% bracket. All the same, as incomes reached a certain level, the benefit of the 15% bracket was eliminated, so that these taxpayers faced a flat rate of 28%. To accomplish this, the act put in place a 5% surtax to be paid on taxable incomes between $71,900  and $149,250 for married taxpayers. The issue was that a marginal tax rate of 33% practical to incomes in this range before failing back to 28% every bit incomes exceeded $149,250. The effect was that when a married couple's taxable income reached $149,250, their tax liability was equal to a apartment 28% of their taxable income. Note that the 33% rate was triggered at lower levels of income for unmarried taxpayers. Bracket amounts for all taxpayers were indexed for inflation.

Not surprisingly, this feature of the tax code was neither widely understood nor appreciated. Taxpayers with incomes between $71,900 and $149,250 ($43,150 and $89,560 for single taxpayers) complained loudly that their revenue enhancement rates were college than those faced by people making more money than them (whose marginal rates savage from 33% back to 28%). Although their boilerplate, or constructive, tax rates were lower, their marginal rates (the rate paid on the adjacent dollar of income) were college than those faced by people making more money. This complaint was presently remedied past replacing the 5% surtax with a new 31% rate bracket, to be paid on all income above $82,150 ($49,300 for unmarried taxpayers) beginning in 1991. Thus, five years after passage of a modified flat tax arrangement in 1986, a third rate was added to the system.

In 1993, Congress passed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. This human activity added two boosted tax brackets. A new rate of 36% practical to individual taxpayers reporting taxable incomes of $140,000 (married taxpayers) or $115,000 (single taxpayers). A new rate of 39.6% (structured equally a x% "surtax" on loftier income taxpayers: 36% times ane.1 = practical to incomes over $250,000. The maximum capital gains charge per unit remained at 28%. The act also made permanent the phase-out of itemized deductions and personal exemptions for "high-income" taxpayers implemented under the first President Bush (and widely perceived to accept cost him an opportunity for re-ballot in 1992). The act also modified the construction of the alternative minimum revenue enhancement, converting it to a two-charge per unit organisation (26% and 28%) from the one-time 1-rate system, and implementing new "adjustments" in the calculation of the AMT base of operations. For example, this act created the adjustments for country income taxes (no longer deductible for purposes of the AMT), medical expenses (increasing the floor for the deductibility of medical expenses to x% for purposes of the AMT every bit compared to 7.five% for regular tax purposes). Other provisions reduced the deduction for meals and entertainment expenses to 50% of costs incurred (from eighty%), modified the deduction for moving expenses, disallowed the deductibility of lodge dues (state clubs, hotel and airline clubs, etc.), and disallowed the deductibility of executive compensation in excess of $1 million (allowing an exception for "performance-based" bounty -- e.chiliad. stock options). The deed increased the taxable portion of social security benefits from 50% for retirees with earnings above $32,000 ($25,000 for single taxpayers) to 85% of such earnings, and eliminated the earnings ceiling previously applicable in calculating the Medicare payroll taxation. Prior to repeal of the cap, earnings above $135,000 were not subject area to this 1.45% payroll taxation (ii.nine% for the self-employed). For tax years after 1993, all earnings are subject field to the Medicare revenue enhancement. All told, this deed significantly increased taxes on individuals.

The Economic Growth and Revenue enhancement Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 enacted reductions in tax rates for individuals, reducing the maximum taxation rate from 39.6 to 35%, phased in over a six-year period. The act reduced rates other than the top rate by 2 per centum points over this menstruation. Information technology also expanded the size of the lower taxation brackets, allowing more income to exist taxed at the 15% rate than under prior law, and implementing a new 10% tax bracket at the lesser of the rate construction. Additionally, the human activity implemented a new $1,000 kid tax credit (phased out for "high-income" taxpayers).

The act also phased in substantial reductions to the estate tax over a 10-twelvemonth catamenia, with complete repeal of the estate revenue enhancement (simply not the gift revenue enhancement) in 2010. In an unusual twist, all individual and manor tax rates were to revert to their 2000 levels in 2011. Thus, without further action by the Congress, the estate would exist significantly reduced over the 2001-2009 period, falling to nada in 2010, earlier reverting back to 2000 levels the next twelvemonth. Virtually practitioners discount the probability that the estate will exist eliminated in 2010.

This human activity was followed by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Human action of 2003 which reduced the maximum tax rate applicable to dividend and majuscule gain income 15%. Prior to this act, dividends were taxable at the taxpayer's marginal income tax rate, meaning that dividends for many taxpayers were taxed at 38.five%. Capital letter gains, on the other hand, had previously been taxable at a maximum rate of xx%. Again, these rates are scheduled to expire in 2010.

The above summaries discuss major revenue enhancement legislation passed over the past 25 years. Many other years saw tax bills, but the landmark changes are captured in the above summary.
