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Review of Invasive Species in the Great Lakes


The Laurentian Great Lakes are subject field to numerous anthropogenic perturbations, among which invasive species are notable. Sequential invasions of non-indigenous species have had profound effects within the basin's ecosystems. Invasive species have altered ecosystem functioning, trophic dynamics, and nutrient cycling. They take similarly been implicated in affecting contaminant dynamics, including their transport and bioaccumulation. This work is a regional synthesis of aquatic invasive species-induced changes to ecosystem functioning in the Slap-up Lakes and their tributaries. We have highlighted several species whose impacts on legacy contaminant, nutrient, and food spider web dynamics in these lakes have been particularly potent. Profiled species included filter feeders [zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussels (D. rostriformis bugensis)], a fish [circular goby (Neogobius melanostomus)], and two invasive plants [mutual reed (Phragmites australis) and cattail (Typha spp.)]. Collectively, these species showcase invasive species' ecosystem-wide effects. The Peachy Lakes have a long invasion history. Despite extensive research efforts, complex food web interactions and synergies between invasive species and concomitant stressors can obscure causality. These interactions underscore the need for long-term, spatially resolved studies to understand invasive species' direct and indirect effects on invaded ecosystems.


  • Contaminant
  • Food web
  • Touch
  • Invasive species
  • Laurentian Great Lakes


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DeRoy, E.M., MacIsaac, H.J. (2020). Impacts of Invasive Species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. In: Crossman, J., Weisener, C. (eds) Contaminants of the Swell Lakes. The Handbook of Ecology Chemistry, vol 101. Springer, Cham.

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