Making The Most Of Your Opening Reception

What are y'all doing to get ready for the large mean solar day? Our experts have put together a listing of everything you'll need to consider when preparing for your opening reception.

Congratulations! You lot're going to be having an exhibition! Y'all've been accustomed for gallery representation, built a relationship with your gallery, bundled the dates, and advisedly selected and shipped the artworks for your exhibition. Everything is out of your hands at present, isn't information technology? Time to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the evidence.

Artist Mark Schiff with guest at opening reception
Artist Mark Schiff and guest in front end of his artwork at the opening reception for his exhibition on August 27th.

Don't call it a day just notwithstanding. At that place are nonetheless plenty of things you can do to prepare for your opening reception that will ensure y'all get the most out of your reception and exhibition. An opening reception can be a smashing opportunity for you as an artist to farther your career, and it'due south important to approach the night from that perspective. For that reason, you need to fix yourself fully for the effect: from preparing your materials to your clothes to your conversation topics.

You'd gear up before presenting an of import report to your boss, wouldn't you? Remember of this like that: the right grooming tin can really brand or break your career!

  1. Pick A Message

Think about what this reception says about you. Is it your kickoff reception? Are you exhibiting abroad? Is it a solo bear witness or a collective prove? What is it near you that will attract the attention of your guests?

Jimmy James Kouratoras's mixed media work is inspired by local Maori culture. Knowing that New York audiences wouldn't be very familiar with it, he brought a bit of Maori culture from New Zealand to Chelsea with a live demonstration of a cultural tea.
Jimmy James Kouratoras's mixed media work is inspired by local Maori culture. Knowing that New York audiences wouldn't be very familiar with it, he brought a flake of Maori culture from New Zealand to Chelsea with a alive demonstration.

By keeping these things in heed, y'all'll be able to prepare yourself for the questions y'all'll get. Beingness fully prepared is i way of telling the world that you lot are a serious artist with piece of work worth seeing.

In addition, understanding your "bulletin" as an artist is a large part of establishing your ain personalbrand: something that comes in handy in your promotion, online, in impress, and in person. Your message should always be something you are witting of, ensuring that everyone you run into understands what you're doing and why.

  1. Option A Practiced Opening Reception Outfit

    One fashion that never seems to go out of style at gallery receptions is the little black dress.
    I fashion that never seems to go out of style at gallery receptions is the little black clothes. Artwork by Melissa Arostegui

Role of telling the globe that you lot are a serious creative person ways dressing the function. Unless otherwise specified, your opening reception isn't going to have a dress code, so yous'll take a lot of options.

Many artists brand the mistake of either dressing besides formally or too casually. A serious artist doesn't need to wear paint-splatter smocks to an opening reception, nor does she demand to wearable a ballroom gown. Here are the 3 things you need for the perfect reception outfit:

  • Await professional person

  • Be comfortable

  • Wear wearing apparel that you feel confident in

The right presentation will skyrocket your confidence, and conviction is the primal to impressing your audience. (Well, that and your art!)

  1. Prepare Talking Points

Receptions can be busy, lively occasions, especially in Chelsea, where many art lovers are out for the evening specifically to 'gallery hop.' Visitors love speak to artists, and they know that an opening receptionis the best time to exercise it.

Don't be surprised past the attending, and don't be intimidated. These people are curious nigh your work and near yous every bit an creative person, and opening receptions are the few chances they'll have to learn more well-nigh you.

Pro Tip: Sometimes, knowing what not to say can be just as important as knowing what to say. The stories behind your artwork may be very personal and emotional. You lot don't desire to share likewise much information when information technology isn't advisable, and yous don't want to talk too much about yourself to somebody who isn't interested. At a reception, y'all're likely to accept some alcohol, so be mindful of everything, and know how to gauge your audience's interest.

During your opening reception, you should be prepared to reply:

  • Why did you choose to get an creative person?

  • How long have yous been an artist?

  • What inspired the works that are on display in your exhibition?

  • Do you have a favorite piece of work?

  • What would you like people to take abroad from your work?

  • Who are your artistic influences?

Stay in bear upon with usa! Our Newsletter is packed with inspiring stories, art tips, and Agora Gallery's latest exhibition announcements.

Artist Walter Bruszewski speaking with a guest in front of his wooden sculpture at the opening reception for his exhibition
Artist Walter Bruszewski speaking with a guest in front of his wooden sculpture at the opening reception for his exhibition

Fix interesting stories. Were there any obstacles that cropped up while yous were working on any of these pieces? Is there something about your process that stands out from other artists'? These interesting facts about yourself are going to stick in peoples' memories as much equally your works. Having the right conversation material prepared can brand the difference between a viewer and a buyer!

  1. Know Your Art

Eduardo Pola at his opening reception
Eduardo Pola speaks with guests about his 3-D fine art at the opening reception for RĂ©partie in Art

This one may seem obvious, but sometimes y'all may be showing your piece of work in a new gallery and it tin can be piece of cake to get flustered. Go at that place before the reception, and make sure you know exactly where your works are. Know their titles, their dimensions, and their prices, and it can often exist helpful to know their weight (in example a heir-apparent inquires, for shipping purposes).

Pro Tip: Do not be overly ambitious with potential buyers. Not anybody wants to purchase fine art on the spot: some want to think it over, or become home and make sure they have the space. Past acting over-eager or expectant of a purchase, y'all might actually scare abroad your interested buyers! If someone wants to know more than about yous and your work, respond their questions, share interesting stories, only practice not hound them with information and questions. Allow your audience to savour the work and allow your talent speak for itself!

  1. What To Bring – And What Non To Bring – To Your Reception

This could be its own post, actually. Some artists come completely nether-prepared, and others can often come a pettytoo prepared to their receptions.  Are you lot traveling to go to the gallery? Leave your luggage at the hotel – or in the automobile. A successful gallery opening can get very crowded, and you don't want to brand your art inaccessible by leaving bags around the floor.

Similarly, you may feel inclined to bring along a library of promotional materials: catalogs from earlier exhibitions, your personal books, or even trade. Always be sure to clear it with the gallery to make sure that they are able to adapt you if you want to bring these. Depending on where you are exhibiting, there may not be infinite near your works to brandish your promotional materials, and you will end upwardly carrying more than than you tin can agree.

So what should you bring?

  • Business Cards

  • A Pocket-size Bag

  • A Smart Phone/Tablet

Your business card should have your contact data and your website data. A great business card volition remind the recipient of your artwork, so if you can, effort to incorporate your fine art into the card. Nothing is less impressive than a flimsy, deadening card for an artist.

Opening Receptions: What to bring
If the gallery allows you to, it can exist a practiced idea to bring along a small itemize or promotional materials. Here, Marco Petracci looks at a swain artist's catalog.

Why a pocket-size bag? Well, this isn't just to bear your wallet, phone, and keys. If you take a handbag, you'll exist able totakeas well as distribute concern cards. Taking  business cards from collectors or other guests volition allow you to follow upward with them later on. If the sale didn't happen (or even if it did!) you'll desire to transport out an electronic mail the next twenty-four hour period thanking your guest for coming to your reception, for appreciating your artwork, and for the chat.

Pro Tip: A small bag is also a great place to store nuts or other snacks! The gallery may accept finger food, but if you don't desire to stray too far from your works, a practiced hack is to hide some trailmix in your bag.

A smart telephone or tablet can have many uses at a gallery reception. Y'all tin apply it to testify guests other projects y'all're working on – just be sure to take pictures and store them on your device, in case the gallery has no reception (no pun intended). You can likewise utilise a phone or tablet to post live updates to your social media accounts, so that fans who aren't present still feel like they were "part of the event." The buzz from an event is a great style to go on people thinking nearly you and your work.  And, of class, yous can utilise your device to allow guests to sign up for your personal newsletter, or to friend them on social media accounts.

  1. Come across The Staff Beforehand

Opening Receptions - meet the staff

Gallery receptions are typically surprisingly curt events, and the staff will be incredibly decorated making certain everything is running smoothly. Especially during a collective exhibition, it can be hard to go i-on-ane time with the staff. However, yous may demand to rely on them in case there is a sale, or if artwork needs to be adjusted during the event. For this reason, you should brand a signal to come up in a petty early on so that you can familiarize yourself with who volition  exist working that night, in case anything comes up.

If you lot have whatsoever non-reception related items to discuss with the gallery staff, a reception may not be the place to do it. If you have time, it tin can frequently greatly do good you to schedule a time to come in and meet one-on-i with the gallery staff either the twenty-four hours before or afterwardthe evening of the reception.

  1. Use social media to spread sensation of the outcome.

Nosotros touched upon this briefly in #5, but this cannot exist stressed enough. If you've been post-obit our communication posts, you'll know that Agora Gallery is a strong advocate for the importance of social media for artists.  During the event, you'll want to postal service pictures to engage your followers, just at that place are even some things you tin can exercise on your social media pages to preparebeforethe consequence itself.

use social media during your opening reception to generate buzz

Y'all can start posting about the exhibition months before to generate the buzz, but don't mail service as well much likewise soon. Between two and three weeks before the reception, create an consequence on Facebook for people to RSVP to. Post updates both to your creative person folio and to the event. The day earlier your reception, take a photo of you with your work and remind/invite people to join you for the nighttime.

During the reception, take a few photos of the event or do "live updates" of how the night is going. Sell a slice? Celebrate on social media! And at the stop of the nighttime, (or the next morning, if you've already done many posts already), give thanks your guests for stopping by. Social media is all almost showing appreciation for those who follow and support yous.

  1. Relax and enjoy!

Opening receptions can bring all sorts of people together, all united for their shared love of art. The events are wonderfully dynamic and exciting, and you by talking to guests of many dissimilar backgrounds, y'all are certain to hear brand new, and oftentimes piercing, insights into your own works. This is what makes receptions a bully opportunity for growing your inspiration and expanding your thoughts. Get in with an open mind, collaborate with the guests and other artists, and just enjoy yourself!

An exhibition in a gallery is an accomplishment, and the reception sort of similar a big, fine art-themed political party in your award. Don't forget that festive attribute, and have fun!

Relax and enjoy your opening reception - you made it!

Do you have any interesting pre-reception rituals? Let us know in the comments!

Looking to enhance your career and build a presence in New York? Submit your portfolio to us and get the opportunity to present your piece of work to a broad range of national and international art collectors and buyers. Visit our Gallery Representation And Creative person Promotion page for more information.